The National Cancer Institute’s Division of Cancer Treatment and Diagnosis (DCTD) has awarded IITRI $29.8 million for two major 5-year new programs. The DCTD supports many programs that facilitate the development of cancer therapeutics from the bench to the patient, and has been involved in a long list of FDA approved treatments.

Miguel Muzzio, PhD, MBA is Principal Investigator of the first program entitled, “Preclinical Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacology Evaluations of Agents Being Developed for Cancer Patients.” This program involves analytical method development, preclinical pharmacology and pharmacokinetics (PK) studies, and early stage efficacy evaluations of novel cancer drugs in mouse xenograft models.

The second new program entitled “Preclinical Toxicology of Drugs Being Developed for Cancer Patients” will include investigational and IND-enabling toxicology and supporting pharmacology studies of new cancer drugs. This is the fourth consecutive toxicology program that IITRI has been awarded by the NCI-DCTD.

IITRI is a long-standing toxicology contractor for the NCI cancer drug development program since 1998, and has been the NCI’s largest toxicology contractor for over a decade. Both IITRI’s continuity in this major NCI program and award size are testament to the high quality of IITRI’s programs and responsiveness to NCI program needs.