Reproductive Toxicology
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Reproductive Toxicology
Developmental and reproductive toxicology (DART) studies assess the reproductive safety of drugs, chemicals, or pesticides after repeated or chronic exposure. Our team of scientists has extensive experience conducting a broad range of reproductive toxicology studies in rats and rabbits, including studies requiring inhalation as the route of administration and OECD studies.
We have recently published two studies on the developmental toxicity in rats for an occupational exposure (inhaled building material fibers), and the fertility and embryofetal developmental toxicity of cytisine, a plant-based alkaloid used for smoking cessation in rats. See our peer-reviewed journal article list and posters and white papers pages for more information.
DART Study Types
- Fertility and early embryonic development toxicity studies in rats and mice (Segment I, ICH R5(R2))
- Embryo-fetal development in mice, rats and rabbits (Segment II, ICH R5(R2))
- Pre- and post-natal development toxicity studies in rats, mice, and rabbits (Segment III, ICH R5(R2))
- Juvenile toxicology
- Reproduction/developmental toxicity screening test (OECD 421)
- Extended one-generation reproductive toxicity (OECD 443)
- Prenatal developmental toxicity study (OECD 414)
DART Study Options
- Routes of administration including oral, IM, IV, dermal, ocular, and inhalation
- Small molecule drugs, biologics, vaccines, chemicals, consumer products and agrochemicals